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SacrificedtotheIceGod Page 3

  “I was forced.”

  The smile faded. “I only take those who have willingly given themselves to me.”

  “The elders picked my sister… I argued for her life and was asked if I would give my life for her—not knowing that was what the shaman wanted all along.”

  The god lifted a hand and brushed a few strands of hair from Kai’s forehead. “Your love for your sister was that strong?”

  “She is training with my Nanni… to be a healer.” Kai struggled to find the words with the god so close to him. His body thrummed with need, his cock growing hard again. “She helps many… and with the females growing so few. Our whole tribe is in danger.” Kai hissed in pain… nay, pleasure… as the god trailed a finger over his chest. “I knew what I had to do.”

  “So you were willing,” the god murmured, his lips close to Kai’s.

  Kai nodded as the god’s head swept even closer. The kiss took him by surprise. The cold of it… the heat of it… the god was a puzzle. What wasn’t in doubt was the hunger coming from the deity. A hunger Kai soon matched in intensity.

  The god pulled away, and Kai almost moved with him, reluctant to let go. Confusion quickly settled in. Why do I want him to touch me?

  The Ice God smiled, chuckling some. “Why yes, you are willing, aren’t you?”

  Heat flooded Kai’s face. He didn’t understand the need he felt…

  It felt wrong.

  Yet so right.

  The god captured his head in a large hand. Kai felt lighter, as if the male held him aloft. Dream-like… caught between death and life.

  Between pleasure and pain.

  He sensed the god could give him both.

  “Tomorrow, I will claim your body for my own. I will take you… and there will be a grand feast to celebrate you and your surrender to me.” The god caressed him. “First… we need to prepare your body. I doubt you’ve had one as large as me inside you.”

  Inside me? Kai’s stare drifted down to the huge erection he could feel against his leg. “I’m no woman… how will you claim my body?”

  Kai felt a hand slide behind him and a finger slip between the globes of his ass. The finger pressed just inside the tightness of his anus. Kai tensed, immediately understanding the god’s intention.

  “I can’t possibly...” Yet a hunger grew deep in his belly at the thought.

  “You will… and you will learn to love the feeling of me there. Deep inside you. You will beg for me to fill you, over and over again.” The Ice God held him tighter. “I will ensure you feel little pain until your body learns to take me.”

  Kai felt himself tossed back onto the bed. Before he could barely rise up on his arms, the god was sliding into the bed beside him. Kai’s mouth was again captured, drugging him with kisses. He felt as if he was floating, and barely strained as he felt that same finger pressing against his ass.

  A cry tore from his lips as the finger slid deeper. There was a slight hint of pain, but also a quiver of pleasure along with it, enough to still his protests.

  The finger moved deeper, pressing past a tightness inside him. There was a pinch of pain… and a fiery pleasure mixed with it he didn’t understand.

  “This is wrong,” Kai whispered against the god’s lips.

  “Never,” the Ice God spat before recapturing Kai’s mouth with his own.

  The finger inside him began to move, stroking him up and down, just as another hand gripped his cock and moved in a similar pace. Kai was unused to such treatment and quickly felt his body succumb to the rising passion.

  He came again, just as he had on the dais, before his entire tribe. Kai felt his entire body shatter, the cry tore from deep inside him as he came into the Ice God’s hand. Pleasure unlike anything he’d ever known coursed through his body. Slowly, he melted into the soft bed below him, spent.

  The finger was pulled out, and he couldn’t help but want the sensation back.

  As he sucked in air, a little shame returned to gnaw at him for feeling what he was feeling. The deity grabbed his chin and forced his gaze up.

  “I never want to see that look on your face again,” the Ice God commanded. “Do I make myself clear?”

  “I don’t understa—”

  “Shame. You feel shame at what I’ve made you feel.”

  Kai quieted. The god had seen into his very soul and saw the truth.

  “Do not hold back from the pleasure of my hands… my mouth… my cock. If it brings you pleasure, you will feel no shame.”

  “Men do no lie with men.”

  “In your world, perhaps that is your way. You’re in my world now.”

  Kai wasn’t given an opportunity to respond before he was rolled over to his stomach. He felt two large, strong hands spreading his ass cheeks apart before another finger’s tip ringed around his tight hole.

  He felt something cold and wet spreading over his anus seconds before the tip of something larger pressed against the entrance. Kai looked over his shoulder and saw a long, narrow cylinder in the god’s hand. It was tapered to a slight point at one end and wider at the other.

  “What is that?”

  “What was once called a plug—long, long ago before this part of the world froze,” the god murmured. “It will help open your body for me.”

  The Ice God slowly inserted the plug into Kai’s ass, a bit of a sting coming as it stretched him wider than the finger had. He hissed in pain, but soon felt the pleasure of the length inside him.

  As soon as he was filled, the god rose from the bed.

  “You will wear it until I return,” he said. “Eat and rest up. I will come back to replace the plug soon.”


  The Ice God smiled before gripping his massive girth. “You need to be ready for this.”

  Kai shuddered as he stared at the large, hard cock in the deity’s hand.

  “The next one will be bigger.”

  Kai heard that phrase ringing in his mind over and over again as he sat there, watching the Ice God leave the room. He sat there a few more minutes, his cock growing hard again as the erotic images of what came next played in his mind.

  Finally, he rose and ate a bit of the food and drank some of the ale, but they had little taste in his current state of mind.

  He lay across the bed and tried to rest, but it was hard to sleep with the thick impalement inside him. When he’d finally been able to find slumber, he was awakened by the feeling of the plug being removed and another thicker, longer one being inserted.

  Kai turned to face the god when it was inside him, lust nearly driving him over the edge. He gripped his own cock and stroked it. “I want… I need…” He didn’t know how to voice what he needed.

  The god kissed him deeply. “I know… but you’re not ready. Not yet.” He tore Kai’s hand from its stroking. “And you will not find pleasure without me. Do you understand?”

  Kai groaned.

  “I will bind your hands if you disobey me.”

  Kai shuddered at the thought—yet he also found pleasure in it. He did not understand this need he felt.

  The Ice God rose from the bed in the dark and once again left Kai alone. His body thrummed with desire. He tossed and turned, a riot of emotions within. Finally, he could take no more and gripped the base of his cock.

  Kai sought absolution, his hand working the hard flesh.

  It only took moments to find the god in his bed once more. His hands were wrapped in bits of leather and bound by a larger strap across his chest. Kai trembled, the need only growing now that he was bound.

  “I warned you,” the god murmured huskily into his ear, as if he found pleasure in the bondage, as well. “I warned you not to touch your cock. Not to seek satisfaction without me.”

  Kai let out a shaky breath. “I need.”

  He was almost sure he felt the god trembling against him. Does he feel the same need I do?

  “I know what you need.” The Ice God pulled out the thick plug. After a quick swipe of whate
ver wetness the deity had spread on his ass, a new one was quickly inserted.

  Pain lanced Kai, taking the pleasure down a few notches. He cried out as his flesh stretched wider. He felt the tearing… but the god waved a hand over Kai’s body and it was gone, only pleasure left in the wake.

  Kai’s hips began to move of their own accord. It pushed the plug a little deeper with each motion, building something within.

  “I will have to bind you further, if you don’t stop,” the deity whispered in his ear.

  “I can’t,” Kai said breathlessly. “I can’t stop.”

  Suddenly, Kai was bound to the bed. His hands were no longer at his chest, up tied to the two heavy posts in each corner. The god knelt between his legs, a metal bar of some sort now between Kai’s feet. Two thick straps wrapped around his ankles, forcing his legs apart.

  A chain was attached to the middle of the bar. The god pushed Kai’s legs up, attaching the chain to the headboard of the bed, too.

  Kai was bent in half, his hips up off the bed—preventing him from much movement at all. He lifted his stare and could see the god’s heated stare, illuminated as it was. It spread around them, glowing in the dark.

  “Please,” Kai begged, shocked the word came from his lips.

  He was too lost to the sensations racing through him.

  “Soon,” the Ice God murmured—before pressing the new plug a bit deeper.

  Kai moaned and writhed some in the bed, hating to be left alone in his plight.

  The god stopped beside the door.


  And then he was gone, leaving Kai to strain against the desire threatening to swallow him whole.

  Chapter Four

  The Feast

  Kai still writhed on the bed as three of the crystalline beings pushed it from the room. He was beyond shame… beyond caring who saw him in such a state. Two more times the Ice God had come to the room and changed the thick plug inside his body. Hours had passed with him impaled and bound…

  Hours of him begging for a release from the need he felt.

  The bed was pushed down a long hallway. From his position, he could see little. With each new insertion, Kai had been bound differently, giving his aching muscles a break.

  Now, he rested facedown, a large pillow pushing his hips and ass up into the air. He was strapped down across it, limiting his movements.

  Yet he still thrashed as much as he could, seeking release.

  The pleasure had become painful… he needed to come with a desperation strange and unfamiliar to him.

  Finally, he was rolled into a huge, cavernous space. From the stone walls and floors he’d spied, they seemed to be deep in a mountain somewhere. A huge home had been hewn from out of the rocks themselves.

  Voices sounded around him. When the bed stopped moving, he saw at least two trestle tables filled with unknown males and a few females. Some were large, like the Ice God, but others appeared like Kai. There were dozens of them, all seated behind tables laden with food and drink.

  He had so many questions, but none mattered but the need he felt.

  There was no shame as he writhed against the bed, aching for release. He simply needed to move…

  One single thrust of his hips…

  One touch of the god’s hand on his ass…


  And he would explode.

  “Kai’toa,” the Ice God’s voice rang out across the hall. “Come to me.”

  Is this a dream? Am I lost in this erotic nightmare?

  He felt himself brought to his knees, the bonds removed. Still, the thick impalement opened him wide. Kai lifted his blurred gaze. He felt drunk with the need racing in his veins, but he could see somewhat.

  The Ice God sat on a massive throne, naked—his thick cock hard and massive.

  “I can give you relief, Kai’toa.”

  Kai’s legs felt soft and boneless. He wasn’t sure he could move from the bed. Yet he took that first step. He nearly fell, his body pushed too far. Righting himself, he stumbled closer, until he found himself on his knees before the deity.

  “Do you wish for relief, Kai’toa?”

  “Yesss,” he hissed. “Please make it stop.”

  He heard rather than saw the smile to the god’s lips. “I can make it stop… Do you give yourself to me?”

  Kai nodded.

  “Say the words.”

  “I… I give myself… to you,” Kai murmured.

  “Louder. So all can hear.”

  Kai cast a look over his shoulder and saw the beings there watching closely. He turned back to the Ice God. “I give myself… to you,” he said in a slightly stronger voice. “Please… I beg you… take me.”

  Kai was dragged into the god’s embrace.

  He felt the final plug being pulled from his body moments before he was situated on the Ice God’s lap, facing the hall and all in attendance. Kai was past caring that they saw him… saw his need… saw him yielding to the god.

  He needed.

  He had to find absolution… or he would die from the want of it.

  “Ready?” the god whispered into his ear.

  “Take me… make this end…”

  “It will never truly end,” the god murmured. “This is but a beginning.”

  Kai had little time to ponder those words before he was pushed down onto the Ice God’s cock. Pain mingled with pleasure as he was filled to brimming. A cry tore from his lips, filling the huge hall with his sensual torment. Kai came, his seed shooting from his body as the big cock drove into him.

  He soon sat on the god’s lap, fully impaled. Kai came down off the high of his orgasm, only to sense it wasn’t truly over. After a moment, the Ice God began to move. Another orgasm tore through Kai on the third stroke, pure pleasure slamming into him. His seed shot onto the ground before the throne, dripping some onto Kai’s feet and legs.

  The Ice God gripped his hips roughly and pushed Kai up before pulling him back down onto the huge staff. Kai cried out, over and over, completely enthralled by the claiming.

  The pace quickened, and he sensed the god himself was at his limit. Kai felt the first tensing… the digging of the male’s fingertips into his hips… and the first quiver of the shaft…

  Heated seed blasted him as the Ice God cried out. Kai was filled with the deity’s cum. The heat of it was surprising… and there was another surprise.

  Kai felt something large come from the god’s cock. He felt it speed through him and stop in his gut.

  The Ice God tugged him close, straining to empty the last of his seed into Kai’s body. They both fell back, Kai limp against the god’s strong body.

  Kai sucked in air to his straining lungs, the cold washing over his body. It was then that he felt all the eyes on him. His embarrassment grew. Turning his face away from the curious gazes, he tried to hide himself away.

  “No shame,” the god whispered against his ear. “They all saw your need… it was beautiful. There was nothing to find shame in.”

  Kai cast a glance over his shoulder, unsure what to say. He couldn’t simply change how he felt with the snap of a god’s fingers.

  Instead of speaking of feelings, he asked a question. “What did I feel moving through me?”

  The Ice God smiled. “We can discuss that later.”

  Kai wanted answers… now that the lust that had been blinding him was gone. But the god was having none of it. He drew Kai off his cock and lifted them both to stand before the crowd.

  Applause sounded around them, only making Kai feel all the more ashamed. He’d been their entertainment for the night.

  Was this what his life would be like here? A sexual object, used for their pleasure?

  Only time would tell.

  He searched the crowded tables, looking for a familiar face. Kai saw none of the females from his tribe in attendance. “Where are they?”

  “Who?” the Ice God asked.

  “The other females.”

  The deity stif
fened. “Gone from this place,” the god answered.

  Kai tensed. “You killed them.”

  “No. I did not.”

  Kai looked over his shoulder, but couldn’t gauge if the answer had been the truth.

  “My friend,” a male’s voice rang out. “Do you think this one will take?”

  Take? Kai frowned, wondering what the question meant.

  “I am hopeful, Dag-ra,” the Ice God answered.

  The other male lifted Kai’s chin with a single finger. “He is beautiful… and stronger than the females. Perhaps this is the one, Therios.”

  Therios? Was that the Ice God’s true name? “The one for what?” Kai asked.

  “To give him a child, of course,” Dag-ra answered.

  Kai stiffened, his eyes widening. “What?”

  Dag-ra chuckled as he turned toward the Ice God. “You didn’t tell him?”

  Kai gazed up at the god, arching one brow.

  The Ice God had the good graces to look at least a bit remorseful. “No point until I was sure if he could carry life or not.”

  “I’m male,” Kai spat. “Of course I can’t.”

  Dag-ra turned and called to another male.

  A pregnant male.

  “That is my mate, Maal. He has given me several sons now,” Dag-ra murmured before turning his loving gaze from his male. “We are gods… unbound from the laws of your worlds.”

  Kai’s stare flashed to the Ice God’s. “This is why I was sacrificed?”

  “Yes,” the deity answered. “To be my mate… to bear my children.”

  “And the others before me?”

  The god’s face told all. “None have been successful.”

  “Did they die?” Kai demanded.

  “None… were successful,” the god said before dragging Kai closer. “You will not be. You will give me what I desire.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “You will,” the deity spat.

  * * * *


  Kai raced from the bed to the bathing room. Inside it, he retched into the large basin, bringing up all the rich foods from the night before. His stomach was in knots, his body in pain. He cried out as another wave rushed through him.