SacrificedtotheIceGod Read online
Page 2
He had two weeks left to live.
Chapter Two
One Week Left to Live
Kai sat on the reef, looking out at the huge icebergs in the distance. Soon, he’d go to a place much like that, filled with ice and snow. He’d seen a glimpse of it before—when the Ice God had emerged from his portal into their world and back again. All Kai had seen was snow and ice in those glimpses.
A world apart from the warmth, sun, sand, and water he knew.
Not that he’d likely survive it long.
Or would he?
Would the Ice God torture him? Would the pain drag out for days? Weeks? Months? His stomach twisted with fear of the unknown. He lifted his stare and saw a white creature walking along the edge of the ice. Kai searched his memory… his Nanni had told him a story about these beasts once, long ago. Bears… polar bears… that they’d once nearly gone extinct before the Great Freeze.
The polar bear had returned, in greater numbers once the cold had swallowed the land. The bears preferred the cold, and had adapted to survive the harsh conditions. If it could, maybe there was a chance for him to do the same. Perhaps he could learn to survive in the new world he would be thrust into.
Or maybe he had no chance at all.
Would there be reason to not hope for death to take him?
Kai turned as he heard the slashing of water behind him. A ti’akim paddled his way, Tona at the helm.
“You know you can’t be out this far,” Tona announced.
“I’m not passing the reef,” Kai mumbled back, turning back to face the polar bear. The lone creature wandered the edge of the iceberg, swooping a mighty paw into the water.
“You won’t survive out there,” Tona said.
Kai closed his eyes, anger filling him. “I wasn’t planning on running, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Tona was silent in response.
Kai turned to glare at the man he’d called friend. “If I run, they might put my sister in my place. I wouldn’t do that to her.”
Tona looked away.
“Or perhaps they’d put you there,” Kai said. “Is that what you’re truly afraid of?”
Tona’s gaze flipped back to his. “I never said that.”
“You didn’t have to.” Kai turned his back again.
Tona sighed. “This went the wrong way… it’s not what I came out here to say.”
Kai didn’t respond.
“I wanted to thank you for what you’re doing.”
“I didn’t do it for you,” Kai said.
“For whatever reason you’re doing it,” Tona answered. “I wanted to show you my appreciation. Yet all I could do was make you even angrier at me.”
Kai remained silent.
“I should’ve fought for you. I should’ve stood up and said it was wrong the way the shaman tricked you into agreeing to this. I fought for Mei’lani. I should’ve fought for you, too.”
Kai closed his eyes for a moment. It had hurt that the only two people who’d fought for him had been his sister and Nanni. Even his own father had kept silent.
His best friend had stung, too, but he understood to a point. Had Tona fought, it could’ve been him dying instead.
Kai turned and glanced over his shoulder for a moment. “What’s done is done.”
Silence hung between them.
“I see you’ve let your beard thicken,” Tona said after a few moments.
Kai scratched at the few days beard growth. He had a few patches sprouting on his chest, too. Ana’topi males traditionally shaved their beards and chests until they were joined with a female as a sign they were free to mate with whomever they chose. “I thought it would help me stay warmer.” Not much, but every bit would help.
“It makes you look older,” Tona said.
Silence fell between them again.
“I’m sorry this is happening,” Tona murmured after a moment.
“Me, too,” Kai said. “Me, too.”
Another pause fell between them. “I’ve heard that Tana’ki has invited you to her bed before you cross over…”
Tana’ki had lain with nearly every male in the village—except for Kai. He’d never had a desire to lie with anyone. “I’ve heard.”
“It could be your last chance… to bed a female.”
Kai knew his time was short, yet he still had no desire. Sex had never excited him, unlike most of the other males in the village. “I know.”
The silence grew even longer… until he heard Tona’s ti’akim paddling away.
Kai turned back to the polar bear, transfixed.
The lone animal hunted his prey… and watching somehow made Kai feel less alone.
* * * *
One Day Left to Live
Come to me, Kai.
Kai looked up at the dais, his entire body enflamed. Heat rocketed through him as he stared up at the Ice God. The male was large, muscled all over. The deity’s skin was pale, almost blue from the cold. He was completely naked, his thick, long cock hard with need. Drops of seed dripped from the swollen head onto the dais.
Hunger tore through Kai… a hunger he’d never, ever felt before.
Come to me, Kai.
Kai’s own cock stiffened in his pants. He was wearing layers and layers of clothing, which had already made him begin to sweat in the heat of their village. But once he made it to the other side, where ice and snow ruled, it likely wouldn’t be enough to keep him warm.
Yet there was an inner heat, a fire he felt stoked within.
Need unlike anything he’d ever known.
Come to me…
A strong hand ripped open his pants and then gripped his cock, stroking it up and down. Kai moaned, his eyes falling closed. Need pumped through his veins…
Kai’s eyes popped opened, his body languishing in a dreamy lucidity. He could still feel the sliding hand on his cock, urging him to the edge. His back arched, cum shooting from his cock. A scream tore from his lips.
He fell back in his bunk, sweat coating him. Kai could barely breathe, the orgasm shattering him. It was then that he knew the hand had been his.
Not the god’s.
He wiped his seed onto the blanket twisted about his limbs, confusion setting in. Kai had never felt the need to touch himself with lust before that night.
“Kai? Are you unwell?” came Nanni’s whispered voice from below.
Embarrassment tore through him. “I’m fine,” he whispered back, heat filling his cheeks.
Even though he couldn’t see her, he knew she paused, unsure.
“I’m fine,” he whispered again, feeling the heat in his face grow. Shame at what he’d felt. For a god? “I had a nightmare.”
An erotic nightmare he wanted to lose himself in again.
“I know you’re afraid,” she called up to him. “I fear for you, too.” She paused. “Sleep now, my sweet Kai’toa.”
Kai stared up at the woven ceiling, the fear making it hard to breathe. A sensual need spiraled in him as he lay there, the need he’d felt earlier a simple precursor to more.
He didn’t understand the feelings growing within.
Lust was foreign to him.
He turned over and tried to rest, only to spend his last night wide awake, full of need.
* * * *
Last Day to Live
Kai felt the familiarity of the moment as he stood on the dais, bound to one of the hall’s pillars. Accustomed to wearing very little due to the island’s warmth, he now wore several layers of odd clothing, just as he had in his dream. They’d bound him with several things called shirts and a larger, thicker fabric the chief had called a coat. He wore long legged fabric called pants, and thick items over his feet they’d dubbed socks. Tall shoes called boots clad his feet and he wore a coating of thick fabric over his hands, too. In the heat, they made his body sweat.
His fear likely didn’t help matters much, either. Rivulets of sweat rolled down his body. Kai cast a look down. Around his feet sat multiple baskets of fish, fruit, and vegetables grown on the island.
He glanced to the side, searching for his family in the crowd. His father was absent, apparently unwilling to watch as Kai was taken by the god. His sister and Nanni knelt within the crowd, both of them with tears streaming down their faces.
The chief walked closer and eyed him. “Ready?”
Kai let out an angry chuckle. “Can anyone truly be ready to die?”
“You will save us all, Kai’toa. There is honor in your sacrifice… whether you see it or not. Your family is honored by your sacrifice.” The chief paused, staring silently. “We will pray for you.”
Pray for me? I’ll still be dead.
Kai glanced at his sister and grandmother, knowing he was saving them. No one else mattered. He closed his eyes and sent out a little prayer of his own, to whatever power in the universe could help ensure he felt no pain.
If he was to die, let it be as peaceful as possible.
The shaman began to chant the old language from behind the chief. He spread out his arms and repeated the same few lines over and over again. Kai tried to follow along, but his knowledge of the old words was limited.
The words seemed to vibrate through him, adding to his fear. His body tensed, his heartbeat slamming in his chest.
Kai struggled for air.
A portal opened immediately before him, a shifting of brilliant colors. A blast of cold rushed over him seconds before wisps of snow blew through. The god followed the blast, easing his huge, naked body onto the dais.
The wooden board creaked under his massive size. Kai lifted his gaze, truly taking in the sheer size of the male.
The chief and the shaman both dropped to their knees, bowing to the deity. The others also bowed, silence filling the space.
Towering above them, the god was covered in snow and ice. Still, most of his naked body could be seen through the dusting. His muscles were huge… his huge, hard cock jutting before him and dripping with seed.
Kai sucked in a breath, fear making his heart slam in his chest all the more.
The god strolled closer, his glowing stare taking in Kai. He stopped so close that Kai could smell the cold, if that was even possible. It felt as if ice crystals began to form over his flesh where the sweat covered him. Kai trembled, unsure if it was his fear or the wave of cold washing over him.
He lifted his gaze farther, trying not to show any fear. Kai met the god’s stare… and felt trapped by it. From the corner of his eyes, he could see the god’s hand moving closer. Stiffening, he could feel his leg coverings being opened and a cold hand slipping in to grasp his cock.
The cold nearly burned him. Yet there was a cold fire to it, that almost felt… good. He hissed in pain, but the god didn’t release him.
Nor did he move his hand.
“Unno hem tanno jes,” the god growled in the old language, never taking his gaze from Kai.
A language Kai did not know well enough. Kai searched his mind for the meaning.
“Ke’tim a mano. Jes ne pella unno…” the shaman murmured in the old language. All Kai understood was vision… he yours…
“Jes ne pella,” the god whispered, smiling at Kai. He gripped Kai’s cock harder and began to stroke it.
Kai let out a sigh. The cold fire grew, it was the only way he knew how to explain it. The cold should’ve made him soft, yet he grew harder and harder in the god’s hand, much to his shame.
Hanging his head, he tried to hold back the need growing within him.
His hair was grabbed, his gaze forced up by the very strands on his head. The god pushed his face closer to Kai’s, surprisingly warm breath washing over Kai’s face. “Unno seet woren. Unno seet wenn pella vet un commen.”
You will watch. You will see me when you come.
Kai bit back the need roaring through him at those words, staring into the glowing eyes of the god. He shook all over, his traitorous body moving closer and closer to the edge. Inexperienced with lust, Kai was trapped in the sensations the god compelled in him.
As the whole tribe watched them.
Shame and anger mixed with the desire and want he felt. He wanted to scream, to fight, to refuse this male and what transpired between them—yet if he did, it could cause his sister to take his place.
Or it could spell all their doom.
Biting his lip, he held back his argument, allowing the god to do as the male wanted with him.
It was then that he looked at the Ice God—truly looked at the male. His face, though hidden some by the snow and ice coating him, appeared powerfully masculine. He had a strong jaw and brow, his large, emotive eyes commandeering attention. Kai’s gaze drifted to the full, soft looking lips that somehow looked misplaced in the harshness of the rest of the male’s face.
Those lips parted as he worked a hand over Kai’s cock. He leaned in closer and captured Kai’s mouth. Forcing a tongue between Kai’s teeth, the god claimed dominance. Kai pulled at the bonds tying him to the pillar and knew he was completely at the deity’s mercy.
Somehow, there was a freedom in that.
Being controlled, he felt the yearning to submit and surrender.
He came in a rush, seed erupting from him as a scream tore from his lips. The god swallowed the cry before taking a step back.
Kai felt boneless as he nearly hung from his bonds.
The Ice God held Kai’s stare… and lifted his hand to his lips to lick some of Kai’s cum from it. A smile crossed the god’s blue lips seconds before Kai was once again in the male’s arms.
Somehow, he’d been cut from his bonds. He was dragged through the portal before Kai could turn to see his tribe—to make one last farewell to his grandmother and sister. The entrance to the portal slammed shut as snow whipped around them.
Kai turned in the god’s arms. “Nooooo!!”
He gazed around him. It was dark and cold like nothing Kai had ever felt before. All he could see was ice and snow in every direction.
A barren wasteland.
Kai turned back to the god, who watched him silently. His body began to shake violently, the cold making his hands and feet burn. He’d never survive the frigid world.
Kill me now… make it end…
The god grabbed him and snatched him closer before sinking his teeth into Kai’s neck. Pain slammed into him… his body one taut nerve.
And slowly the pain ebbed.
He could feel himself dying in the god’s arms, and he surrendered to the sensation. Quick. Peaceful… just as he’d yearned for.
Kai stared up at the darkened sky, seeing two points of an eerie glow through the storm.
And then he saw nothing.
Chapter Three
The Reawakening
Kai awakened, wrapped in the softest cloth he’d ever felt. He sat up, feeling as if he was lost between sleep and waking. It took a moment for him to register where he was, but he didn’t recognize his surroundings.
He was in a bedroom, of sorts, with stone walls and floors. It was larger than his whole family’s hut on the island, maybe by three or four times. Carpets covered both the walls and the floors, but he could see the dark shine of stone peeking between. A huge blue fire roared in an enormous hearth.
He lifted a hand to his neck and could feel a wound there, where the deity had bitten him.
Had he not died?
Or was this some strange afterworld? It was nothing like what the shaman claimed they would go to. Here it was cold.
Yet Kai felt no chill. He knew it was cold, but he didn’t feel it.
Looking down, he saw his tanned skin was paler, almost blue in the curves of his bare arm, like that of the god. He rose, noting he was naked. Grabbing the sheet from the bed, he wrapped it around his waist before creeping closer to the blue flames.
Kai searched the room as he moved. No one was there with him, and it allowed him to breathe a little easier. Stopping before the hearth, he lifted his hands. It felt similar to the fire he felt move through him when the god had stroked his cock.
A door opened behind him. Kai spun and saw a man enter.
At least, he thought it was a man. Whatever it was, it looked to be made of crystal, free of blemish and so clear he could see reflections of light as the thing moved closer. There was a cave deep in the island that had crystals, but they were dark and clouded, nothing like the shine this being had.
“Hello?” Kai called, but he received no response.
It carried a tray, which it placed on a table near Kai. It was laden with food and drink. Kai’s stomach gurgled at the sight and smell.
The crystalline being turned to leave the room, just as silent as he’d come.
Kai wandered closer to the table before eyeing the food. He lifted some of it to his nose, scenting a delicious smell, enough to make his mouth water.
“Unno seet tabo.”
You… eat. Or something close.
Kai turned to see the Ice God standing in the doorway, watching him. The ice and snow was gone, just the pale, blue expanses of naked skin.
Still hard.
Still obviously wanting.
That want spiked within Kai, but he didn’t want it to. He tossed the meat to the tray and backed away.
“Unno seet tabo vet un dabo.”
Kai frowned. “I don’t know the old words well.”
The god stared a moment, silent. “Do you not study them as children?” he finally asked, his words deeply accented.
Kai sighed with relief to learn the god knew their language. “We do.”
“Yet, you did not feel the need to learn those words,” the god said as he strolled a few steps into the room.
“I know some.” Kai squared his shoulders. “The only reason I’d need to know the old words would be to become a priest or the shaman.”
The god smiled. “You had no desire to become a devout follower of your god?”
“No,” Kai answered honestly. “I didn’t.”
The smile only grew as he moved closer. “Yet here you are. Sacrificing yourself to me.” He stopped a few steps before Kai. “Why would one who did not love me choose to do this?”