SacrificedtotheIceGod Read online
Page 5
Kai looked down where their hands were linked and felt a warmth there between them. He sought the god’s stare.
Therios lifted Kai’s hand to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss there. “Ready to eat?”
Kai nodded, struck by the emotions raging through him.
He was seated just to the right of Therios and across from Weaver. Through the evening, the food was plentiful and as good as it always seemed to be. The conversation was interesting, as Weaver regaled them with tales of the land he was from.
“Where is this land of yours?” Kai asked him.
“Another world, different from yours and mine,” Therios answered. “There are nine worlds, all linked to our dimension.”
“Your dimension?” Kai asked, frowning.
“Here in this world,” Therios said, “the world of the gods… we all call this home. It is a world of magic… where only we can survive… with those we call mate.”
“We are mated?” Kai asked.
Therios reached out and pressed his finger to the spot where he’d bitten Kai. “You were dying here until I bit you and made you mine.”
Kai hid a smile. Until he made me his. He locked eyes with Therios, that familiar heated desire growing in his gut.
“Perhaps we should be getting back to our own realm,” Weaver said. “I miss my lover’s handsome face.”
Kai turned to Weaver. “You have a lover, too?”
Weaver laughed loudly. “Azir is my lover. When we return to our realm, he looks like he did when he was human.” Weaver turned to the beast, cupping the creature’s chin. “He looks like the man I fell in love with long, long ago.”
“Gods can be humans?” Kai asked.
“Azir is not human any longer,” Therios said. “He traded his human life for that of a god.”
“So he could be with me forever,” Weaver said with a grin. “One day he might live to regret that.”
The beast snorted, acting as if it was chuckling. Kai watched as Weaver leaned in to press his lips against the ugly beast’s lips. Only true love could allow the man to do that.
Azir rose from his chair, threading his fingers with Weaver’s.
“It was a pleasure meeting you,” Weaver said, bowing slightly to Kai. “Good luck with the babe to come.”
“Thank you.”
Azir bowed his head at Kai before turning to do the same with Therios. Weaver shook Therios’ hand—and then the two disappeared from view, apparently returning to wherever they were from.
Therios continued to trace his finger along Kai’s neck, bringing the attention back to the moment they’d shared.
“I’m yours, am I?” Kai asked.
“For as long as you will let me have you,” Therios said.
Kai moved from his seat and straddled his god’s lap. “You have me now.”
Their clothes disappeared, their bodies writhing together. Kai was lifted and sat on the edge of the banquet table. The powerful god moved closer, spreading the slickness before angling his cock and entering Kai in one swift move.
Kai’s body had grown accustomed to Therios’ shaft after the weeks they’d spent together. He loved the feeling of being filled by his male and wasn’t sure how he could live the rest of his life without feeling Therios’ touch like this.
The thought nearly drove him to distraction. Ignoring the emotions rising within, he focused on the feeling of their bodies joined. He soon lost himself in Therios’ touch, staring up at the gentle snow falling around them.
It was that night that he realized he was in too far over his head.
He was losing himself…
Chapter Six
Kai rolled his hips as he rode Therios’ cock. He rocked back, hungrily taking each and every stroke of the god’s shaft. Looking down his body, he could see the growing swell. Six weeks had passed, and he had grown large with their child.
Therios had grown obsessed. His hands caressed Kai’s belly as they fucked. The male worried over him, convinced Kai was made of glass.
The Ice God rolled him over, pinning Kai to the mattress. Lifting one of Kai’s legs and placing it on his shoulder, Therios drove deep… slowly. Instead of the rapid fucking they’d shared, it was now a languid, unhurried screwing that kept Kai wanting more.
It still drove him to the edge, especially as Therios stroked his cock and licked his nipples. The babe had made his entire body more sensitive, and spots that he’d never imagined giving pleasure, did.
“You’re so beautiful,” Therios whispered between thrusts of his cock. He spread a palm along Kai’s stomach, swirling over the swell. “So beautiful, filled with my seed.”
Kai gasped for air, struggling with the growing lust.
“I wish I could keep you like this… forever… filled with my sons and daughters,” Therios whispered.
Kai closed his eyes. The thought excited him.
“Forever,” Therios whispered before he stiffened. A roar came from his lips, his back bowing. He came in a rush, filling Kai with his heated lust.
After the god had milked his cock inside Kai, he withdrew. He lowered down Kai’s body, stopping before the hard staff still red and angry. Kai sucked in a breath, his body stiffening as he realized what Therios planned to do.
The first lick of the god’s cool tongue over the head of Kai’s cock nearly made him come then and there. When Therios suckled most of the length down his throat, Kai clutched the sheets, trying to hold back. He wanted more, but was so close to the edge.
When the deity caressed his balls, massaging the sack while he took all of Kai into his mouth, there was nothing left for him to do. The orgasm slammed into him… he cried out and filled Therios’ mouth with his cum.
The god drained him of every drop, licking and sucking him down.
After he was done, and Kai was left completely shaken, Therios crawled upwards. He wrapped his big, brawny body completely around Kai, drawing them closer together. Kai sighed as he melted into the god’s muscled form, his eyes falling closed.
Therios pressed his lips to Kai’s forehead as they lay there silently for a few minutes, the afterglow clinging to them.
“I want to show you my world,” Therios murmured, his strong, deep voice vibrating in his chest, against Kai’s ear. “I can’t keep you here, bound to this bed, forever. I want you to see the beauty here.”
“It’s all snow and cold,” Kai said laughingly.
“There’s more to it than that,” Therios answered. “The sun shining on the ice crystals as they coat every surface. The dancing snowflakes as they gently fall to the earth. The Ne’gund village is rather spectacular.”
Kai smiled at the almost poetic descriptions. “The Ne’gund don’t just live here to serve you?”
Therios chuckled. “Do I hear a hint of sarcasm?”
Silence fell between them for a moment.
“Will you come with me?” Therios asked, an almost anxious hint to his tone.
“If it gets me outside, absolutely.” Kai sat up. “You said something about the sun… does it truly shine here?”
“On some days, between storms… such as today. It’s not the same sun you are accustomed to, but it shines all the same.”
Kai climbed from the bed, trailing behind Therios. When the god reached for the door, Kai cleared his voice.
The deity paused and looked over one shoulder. He lifted a brow, looking confused.
“Clothing?” Kai asked.
“My bite will allow you to venture anywhere in my world without freezing.”
“It’s still cold,” Kai said. “I would prefer to be covered.”
Therios rolled his illuminated blue eyes before waving a hand. Kai looked down to see he was wearing clothes similar to the day he’d arrived. Now they were only wider around his growing stomach. When he lifted his head, he saw Therios was also similarly dressed.
Kai lifted a brow.
Therios shrugged. “I�
��m actually naked. The clothing is an illusion… but if it makes you happy, so be it.”
Kai chuckled before following Therios out.
Once they’d traveled through the stone castle, as Therios called it, Kai saw the sun for the first time in weeks. He blinked a few times, his eyes more accustomed to the fainter light in the god’s home. When he was finally able to see clearly, he noticed the sun appeared white, not yellow like his world’s.
They stood on a smooth cut into a mountain of black stone. The sky was a rich blue, like the sea he used to swim within. He sighed at the sight of it, a smile coming to his face. A few puffs of white clouds hung overhead, closer to the peak of the mountain.
Everything below was covered with white, in stark contrast to the blue above and the mountain they stood upon. A ways farther down, there were trees like none he’d ever seen before. They were covered in snow, but there was some green peeking out below.
“What kind of trees are those?”
With a blink of an eye, they were standing before the trees. Kai reached out to grab Therios—steadying himself. “You could’ve warned me.”
“Sorry,” Therios murmured. “I’m not accustomed to having to.” He turned toward the tree. “These were actually trees that used to grace your world, and still do in some places closer to the equator, where there is still some warmth.”
“So there are places we could survive outside of the island?”
Therios shook his head. “Not truly. Some warmth only means that the earth isn’t completely frozen there. When your planet froze eons ago, it spread slowly, destroying great cities and pushing your people towards the center of the planet where it was still warm. Crops were destroyed, the land too cold to grow anything. Resources were limited, and many died.”
“You couldn’t stop it?”
“I wasn’t a god when it happened… I was human.”
Kai turned to look at Therios. “You… were once human?”
He nodded. “I battled the Ice God…the one who was responsible for destroying our world. When I won the battle, I had to take his place. By the time I returned to my planet… almost no one was left. I made a safe haven for those who remained… a place of warmth and green and life. A place where the world could continue.”
Kai had deemed it a prison. He felt shamed for his thoughts. Therios had saved them all. “That isn’t the story the shaman or priests tell us.”
“I’m sure that the years have twisted the tale. Stories have a way of growing in new ways.”
Kai met Therios’ stare. “Can it ever become unfrozen?”
Therios nodded.
“If I find the one who can bear my child… that child will unlock the spell upon your world. A seed planted will bear new life.”
He’d asked them for a sacrifice… hoping to find the one who could break the last god’s spell. Kai ran a hand over his burgeoning stomach, whispering a prayer of hope. Therios moved closer and pressed a hand to Kai’s.
“All my hopes and wishes lay with this child. I sense you are the one… the one who will give me what I want. Salvation.”
Kai lifted his stare to the god’s. “I want only to give you what you want.”
Therios’ head lowered and he captured Kai’s lips.
The kiss felt like it lasted for hours, and yet all Kai wanted was more.
* * * *
Seven weeks had passed. Kai stood before the mirror Therios had left hanging on the wall. His stomach was greatly swollen now. As the babe moved within him, he could see the occasional outline of a hand. A foot. A head.
It made what was happening to him all the more real.
He caressed the babe growing within him, whispering words of encouragement. When he turned away, he saw Therios leaning in the doorway behind him, a wide smile on the god’s lips.
“Listening in?”
Therios nodded. “I find it humorous you already talk to our child. It will be interesting to see you with him once he arrives. But I don’t know how you expect to teach him how to swim. The lake is always frozen over.”
“It’s warm and wet on my world,” Kai shot back.
Therios’ smile faded. A frown grew in its place. “He can’t go to your world.”
Kai’s stare whipped to the god’s. “What do you mean?”
“He won’t be able to survive the heat. He is born of snow and ice…”
Kai felt his stomach turn. “When I go back… I can’t take him with me?”
Therios shook his head.
“You said I could be free,” Kai snapped, his anger coming quick.
“You still plan to return to your world? I thought…” Therios stopped himself. The frown soon became a mask of indifference. “Of course. I promised and I will uphold that promise. But my child will remain here.”
“You come to our world, you’re able to survive.”
“For a few minutes, not venturing far from the portal blasting cold air. I could never last much longer on your world without returning to mine. A babe would be even weaker in power than I.”
Kai struggled for air. He knew the god had wanted a child, but he’d assumed… he’d be able to care for the babe himself. Perhaps he’d been misguided and stupid to make the assumption…
“If I leave, I’ll never see him again, will I?” Kai asked, spreading his hands over his swollen belly.
“You don’t have to leave,” Therios said, his voice low.
Kai didn’t want to leave, especially now. Even as the words had tumbled from his lips, he’d known in his heart he wanted to remain here with Therios.
But to never see his family again?
To leave behind everything he’d ever known?
For a male that he barely knew?
The child would break the spell, opening up a whole new world for his people.
And he’d be stuck in a world of ice and snow.
With the male you love.
Kai moved closer to Therios. He pressed a palm against the god’s muscled chest, understanding he’d have to make another sacrifice if he chose this path. He’d been forced to make the last, but now…
Now he made it willingly, and with his whole heart.
“I’ll stay,” he whispered before lifting his face and seeing the raw emotion on his god’s. “I’ll stay… with you.”
“You stay because of the child,” Therios murmured. “But I will take it, if it means I keep you in my arms.”
Kai shook his head. “No… I choose to stay because… I love you, Therios.”
Therios’ eyes widened. He lowered his head, capturing Kai’s lips with his. After a few minutes, he was backed to the bed and carefully lowered down onto the softness.
The Ice God climbed into the bed, wrapping his body around Kai, exactly the way Kai liked it. Their limbs entwined, they writhed against one another, their naked bodies fitted close.
When Therios came inside Kai, he cried out, knowing this was a bonding of souls, a tethering of two hearts… a love frozen forever.
Therios languidly made love to him, slowly, gently making their bodies one. “I love you, too, Kai’toa.”
Kai’s heart swelled with the words uttered from his god’s lips… but he’d known. He’d sensed it in the gentle loving, the sweet kisses, and the ardent stares. He’d felt it in every touch.
Every kiss.
And would forevermore.
* * * *
One Day to Life
Kai felt the pain rip through him. He awoke, a cry of pain tearing from his lips. Fear nearly strangled him. Either he survived or he passed on to the next world.
If he passed on, he would lose Therios…
They both knew it, but neither had been willing to speak of it.
Therios was at his side. Within minutes, two other gods appeared and helped deliver the new child into the world. The pain nearly took his breath away as he pushed the child from his body through the opening the gods had created.
Hours passed. Pain nearly took him several times, but he clung to life, praying to the All Father to let them both live. He was delirious as he heard the first cry of the babe.
And then he faded into darkness, exhaustion taking him.
When he awoke some time later, he lay in bed, his body sore.
Therios lay beside him, their child bundled in a soft blanket in the god’s arms. Kai lifted his head slightly before wincing in pain.
“Sorry I can’t take it all from you… not after what you’ve been through.”
Pain or not, a smile still graced his face. How could he not feel pure happiness when he looked down at their son? “Can I hold him?”
“Of course,” Therios whispered.
He helped Kai sit up some and then handed over the squirming bundle. Kai looked down at the babe, love filling his heart. He let the infant wrap the tiny fingers of one hand around his forefinger. The babe was larger than human, and slightly blue, like Therios. When he opened his eyes, they glowed a brilliant ice blue, just like his father’s. “He’s perfect.”
“He is,” Therios said, his eyes shining bright.
Kai held the god’s stare. “So my world…?”
“The spell is broken. In time… the ice will melt away and allow humans to once again spread to all corners of the planet.”
Kai’s smile grew wider as he stared down at their son. “What should we call him?”
“Roo-guard,” Therios murmured. “R-h-e-w-g-a-r-d.”
“That’s a mouthful,” Kai said, lifting a brow.
“Rhew is an old world name for ice. Gard is guard. He will be our little Ice Guardian.”
Kai smiled. “I like that. Rhewgard it is.” He snickered. “But I think I’ll just call him Roo.”
“Which is fine for a little babe,” Therios said, gently cupping the infant’s head. “But when he’s older, he will fill that name well.” Therios turned to Kai. “I knew you were the one. I sensed you would bring me joy. And you have… joy and love, and I don’t know how I can ever repay you for it.”
“I think I know a way,” Kai said, smiling to himself.